of the globe, and in particular since the late Tertiary (about 230 million years ago) until the end of the Cretaceous (about 65 million years ago). Most types and species of dinosaurs disappeared during the extinction period occurred Cretaceous-triple, scientists have thought for a long time they did not leave behind any percentages, but that assumption proved wrong, as researchers later discovered that birds are the closest relatives of dinosaurs remaining in the current era, and so through what emerged from the fossils linking Alosnovin, where it was found that all the birds today descend from a common ancestor evolved from dinosaurs Altherobodah during the Jurassic period. Well, the most modern classifications put the birds as a group remain from the rank of the dinosaurs.
Dinosaurs is one of the more groups the animal kingdom forms; Vsliltha of the most diverse vertebrate bird on the face of Statistics, where there are more than 9,000 species. [Able ancient biologists to identify more than 500 sex and 1,000 different from non-avian dinosaurs type, and today can be found on the various forms of dinosaurs in all continents of the world, both live actress birds, dead or known by Mstgesadtha. The number of dinosaurs Ashba had others to Ahma, and the types of which went Qaúmteha hind legs, while the other goes to the four types of lists, and some of them were able to move using the two methods. Developed many of the non-avian dinosaurs external extensions of the skeleton formed a shield physically or gasket skeleton or centuries, some factions have achieved international fame because of unusual outward appearance as envisioned scientists. Avian dinosaurs dominated the atmosphere of the planet since the extinction of the winged reptiles that were considered essential rival the main reason that inhibits development. Famous dinosaurs by the huge size of some species, which generates the idea among the public that all of these animals was a giant, but it is in fact the most dinosaurs were human-sized or even smaller. Knows that most species of dinosaurs was building nests to lay their eggs and embraced them until hatching.
Became the skeletons of dinosaurs displayed in museums around the world is an important tourist attraction landmarks, since that discovered the first fossil of a dinosaur in the early nineteenth century, and turned these animals to the code of the global and local culture to some country codes. Depicted dinosaurs in a lot of novels and movies that have made significant Nhaja and the percentage of massive sales, such as a series of "Jurassic Park" (in English: Jurassic Park), as well as any new discovery of a large degree of importance is covered by various media and offer to the public interested in these things.
sag Term Danassouraa (Latin: Dinosauria) officially launched in 1842 by the world of the English paleontologist, Sir Richard Owen, who used it to refer to "the tribe or the privileged class Lizard Reptiles" that may be characterized in England and around the world. [Derived the term from the Greek words: "Dinoc "(Greek: δεινός) meaning" great, "" strong "or" stunning "and" Soros "(Greek: σαύρα) meaning" lizard "or" creepy. "Although the scientific name is often interpreted as reference to the teeth and claws of dinosaurs and other characteristics frightening, but Owen intent that it refers to the size of dinosaurs and esteem
The word "dinosaur" is used in colloquial English sometimes to refer to something that is successful or unsuccessful person, in spite of the rule of dinosaurs to one hundred and sixty million years, and the spread of her grandchildren and diversity of bird species. Using the name "dinosaur" in the Arabic language to refer collectively to these animals, which is the term typeface for the word "Dinosaure "English, and some are written by "dinosaur" as in the French word "Dinosaure " .
The world has known during the middle period, which lived during the dinosaur for a period of 165 million years a lot of changes on the planet, notably drifting continents sites climate whose impact and change to a large extent on the lives of dinosaurs and Baiadtha.lkn these reptiles inhabited generally during the period of its existence on the ground seven continents whole including Antarctica, Australia and all other continents. With early Tertiary was no ground cover only one giant continent called Pangea, and was then the world's climate is a little more heat than it is today, was to connect the continents this was of great importance in providing the movement of the dinosaurs and the spread between continents. The first real dinosaurs are known Alaaoraptor and Alheirarassour who found Bakaaihama in Argentina in the Tertiary strata, and therefore are considered scientific studies of evolutionary relationships and Biogeography the continent of South America, the birthplace of the dinosaurs and the first home-tion. Given that all the dry land was united then in Pangea, the spread of these reptiles areas quickly widened so that the continents of North America, Africa and Europe, including as well as South America itself, although this was dinosaur species are still a few at the time, and so was every kind which occupies a relatively large geographical area. And makes the wide spread of the dinosaurs triple from this study and track the diversity and spread of difficult.
With the advent of the early Jurassic period (200-170 million years ago) it was still a continent Pangea interconnected to some extent, has been the land links between all seven continents, and therefore retained the dinosaurs and other terrestrial vertebrates at a rate of endemism Alfred, who was unusually low, with the world contactinterconnected. During this period (Jurassic) dinosaurs began todominate and impose real control over the forms of terrestrial life,as well as increased more than geographical spread across theworld. During this era before almost 180 million years the continent of Pangea began to disintegrate, causing a lot of geographical and climatic changes on the planet. During that period began polar ice to melt and take the sea level by immersing huge swathes of the planet's land, and this has increased the turn of the level of humidity and then the rain, bringing a more moderate climate, while rich forests forms varied life grew, these dinosaurs environmental conditions and helped to increase their numbers and dominance. It also took continents disintegrate and isolation from each other quickly at this time, in the late Jurassic period drifted North America separate north so for South America, and thus North America formed along with the European part of the continent Laurasia, while the South remained united with the Antarctic and the Indian sub-continent and Australia forming Gondoana before Australia drifting away beginner thus continuing the long isolation to day Hma.ouma this rapid disintegration and isolation of parts of the world from each other began dinosaurs lose their ability to move between continents, and began to resettle rates at the kinds rise, while I took dinosaurs every continent evolve alone isolated all other dinosaurs continents.
There is no clear evidence yet of a very high temperature or a change in the value of the climate during the Cretaceous period, the last middle ages era during which dinosaurs lived. As for the continents have moved away from each other as only a few times did not move away before in the entire history of the earth, they have been around the world isolated from each other so much and take endemism rate when the dinosaurs to rise throughout the Late Cretaceous. During this era the world was divided many of the shallow seas here and there, dismissing the western United States and eastern sea is shallow, and it was related to the west before that with Asia across the land bridge before that separates the two halves of the continent this sea becomes west isolated island while unite east with Europe and Greenland, the rest of the southern territory of the world has continued to drift away from Bedha.okintejh this has varied types of dinosaurs between continents, was dominant in general during this period in the southern Hemisphere old dinosaur groups that have long Qtnth, such as Alsourobodat and Alawrnathobodat and Alonkalousourat, while appeared in the northern half of new species Just like Alsaratobiat and Alhadrusouriat. The diversity of dinosaurs has increased to a great extent and significantly during this period, while relatively shrunk geographical area which is divided by each type with this increasing diversity. Dinosaurs and continued at this pace during the Cretaceous era, diversity increases with endemic before completely extinct at the end of that era within the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event.
For environments where dinosaurs lived during the period of its existence on the ground away from the geographical spread Fathdidha a little harder. In general, it is very difficult to guess the nature of the environments in which they were last found using fossils and rocks information that are available Aadh.owalsbb behind this there is only a little bit of fossils of animals or plants that lived with the presence of dinosaur is found (in the case found mainly), note that the study of ancient plants in addition to the study of geochemical isotopes which they can determine the temperature at those ages are the two primary means to know the nature of ancient environments (while not serving dinosaur bones only to learn of his death) site, and even in cases where the remains of those plants found the determination what appeared to be the environment in which inhabited by dinosaurs and were landmarks and terrain is very difficult, forcing most Alahathein to the lack of this matter addressed and left Drasth.mn also other problems that prevent knowledge of the nature of ancient environments accurately differences over the possibility of keeping all other environment, some can be kept well while others disappear completely so that knowledge can not be, and generally most of the forest land and the rivers and the high plains of the effects of organic materials decompose and then eroded quickly disappear, so the residues are rarely kept to allow identification. While you can not scientists often identified only on the river land and low floodplain and delta lands lakes etc. of environments Almaúah.lkn still - despite all that - there are some studies that can give some idea of the nature of these reptiles environments and to shed light on . Overall, the dinosaurs may have inhabited a very diverse range of environments ranging from the humid forests to deserts Alqahalh.ufema following narrative did not expect to be environments in which dinosaurs lived.
Given that all the world's land was united in the continent of Pangea great very large during the Tertiary, it was natural for the presence of a huge internal extensions of the continent is very far from any sea or ocean, and as a result of this lost most of the interior spaces remained dry and distant continent from the water and spread across the Sahara enormous, while were not enough moisture for plant growth only on the edges of the continent near the ocean water bodies. Life was very different in that era with the prevailing drought, there was not any flowering plants or grass on the ground, while pine and ferns spread across the continent. One reason for the drought and lack of biodiversity, who this day and age that prevailed immediately came after the largest extinction in Earth's history, and for this reason, even when it came to triple the Late Period were still recovering from the effects of the Earth extinction. So dinosaurs have lived through this period in a dry environment did not have much diversity after, has focused its presence on the banks of rivers that Ksthe ferns, and species that inhabited this land dinosaur early Alheirarassour. In the farthest regions of the seas semi-land desert has spanned able to grow in some types of short and small plants adapted to arid climate (and probably seemed that similar areas of the territory of South Africa today), and species that inhabited this dinosaur Alblatyousour land grass along with Alaaoraptor and Alsentasos.
By Jurassic nature of the geographical land began to change, which had a significant impact on the natural environments of the dinosaurs. Continent Pangea great disintegration and division were taken away from each other, yet to be rifts between continents water began to fill the valleys of various low and land transforming them into a new ocean separating the continents after that was all water surrounded only one continent (in doing so, the Atlantic Ocean along with several other oceans), and this has helped a lot of access to water in order to irrigate the heart of Pangea Saharaha. After the water has entered the depth of the continent wind colliding began inland seas carry moisture with it to dry deserts, causing the plants to grow and flourish across the continents erasing so old triple deserts and made up a very important source of nutrition dinosaurs that reached the summit of prosperity in this day and age, having been a small-sized throughout the Tertiary suddenly grown to become one of the largest planet animals and most Njaha.lkn as was the case in the triple era has greenery and various dinosaurs centered next to the banks of the river, and with the rain forest has grown from ferns and Agheinkj, and dinosaurs that inhabited this riverine forest and Aserkhsaih Alstigousour. Jurassic period was marked also coniferous forests dense that covered the continents which consisted of a primitive species of pine, have inhabited these types of forests from Alsourbodat like Almamenkisour.
Continents away from each other a lot during the Cretaceous and began to take the shape of a world map is far too much about its current form, despite the shallow seas cover a large part of it, has also had an impact on the planet's environment. The presence of very distant from each territory and in different parts of the planet also means there are multiple types of climate and then natural environments. Also, there is evidence that dinosaurs inhabited during this some polar environments times depending on the evidence of two sites in the continent of Australia, which was still within the Antarctic Circle in the Cretaceous period, and can find out from the study of fossils of plants and built a rock that was frozen in the polar ground before millions of years.
According to the classification of evolution, the dinosaurs are usually defined as a group that contains the three-centuries, modern birds, in addition to the earliest ancestors, and all descendants, including "some .aqtrah that dinosaurs should be defined according to the degree of kinship to the nearest common ancestor of the great dinosaur Megalosaurus and dinosaur with age iguanas Aguandon , as these are two of the three stipulated by Richard Owen when he knew the dinosaurs for the first time. produces definitions same animals knowledge group being dinosaurs, including: Altherobodat, or carnivores with lists; Hbhet Taiwilat necks or Alsourobodat, which are herbivores quad menus; Alazaouat molten or Alonkalusouriat, an eater of herbivores, armored quad lists (similar to crocodile); Alazaouat covered or Alstgusouriat, which are herbivores quad with bony plates rolls on her back; Alazaouat peer or Alseeratobsiat, which are herbivores quad with centuries menus and cilia, and Alazaouat avian hip or Alawrnathobodat, a herbivores bilateral or quad menus including "flap beak." I wrote these definitions to respond to scientific concepts about dinosaurs that precedes the modern use of racial evolution. The intended meaning continuity prevent any confusion about the meaning of the term "dinosaur".
There is almost universal consensus among paleontologists on the fact that the birds Altherapodih descendant of the dinosaurs in the present era. Using the definition of the selected branches of science, which requires each included one common ancestor strains in one group to make this a normal group, the birds are considered dinosaurs, and therefore the "rank" is extinct dinosaurs. Birds are classified by most scientists paleontologist as belonging to a group "with negative hands" sub (Latin: Maniraptora; transliteration: Manirabtura), which belongs to a cyclic or Alazaouat Alkwylorusouriat group (Latin: Coelurosauria), which belong to Altherrapodat group, which belongs articulated to the hip or Alsouriskiat Alazaouat group (Latin: Saurischia), which belong to the taxon dinosaurs
From the point of view of the branches, the birds are considered dinosaurs, although the word "dinosaur" in the ordinary course of the speech does not include the birds but is intended as those of the extinct reptiles. Well, it is true technically refer to dinosaurs as a distinct group under the classification system Linnaeus older, who accepts semi-ethnic classification, which excludes some breeds descended from a single common
Based on the foregoing, can be described as the dinosaurs - without birds - they reptiles Erkusourih floor with upright lists existed since the late Tertiary, as evidenced by the age of rock layers where found Ahaverha, until the late Cretaceous. Many considered Alqpatarrakhih animals dinosaurs in popular perceptions, it is the most prominent example of this reptile fish (Latin: Ichthyosauria), reptiles or Almizah Mozassourat (Latin: Mosasauridae), Albulsourat (Latin: Plesiosauroidea), winged reptiles or pterosaurs (Latin: Pterosauria), the dinosaur binary regular dental Dimitrodon, but it is not classified scientifically as dinosaurs, Valzuahv water and fish Almizah Kalzuahv and Albulsourat were not creatures floor or Archosaur, and the reptiles winged Archosaur but they were not the floor, while Aldimitrodon animal Bermaa closer to mammals Zuahv.kant dinosaurs the dominant vertebrates on Earth system in Central era, has reached the peak of its diversity and prosperity during the Jurassic and Cretaceous. The other groups of animals during this era constrained in terms of size and appropriate environment, for example, rarely exceeded the size of a cat mammals, and were often carnivores sized rodents feed on small prey. Excluded from this case Rabnomam Giant (Repenomamus giganticus), a mammal belongs to the rank of "conical teeth trilogy" (Latin: Triconodonta) weight ranged between 12 to 14 kilograms, and knew by eating small dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus parrot Cetkousou
Non-avian dinosaurs structures, according to the movement clockwise from left: Tyrannosaurus, Diplodocus, Parasaurolophus,Dainonicos, Protoceratops, and Stegosaurus.
Dinosaurs were a group of animals are very diverse, according to a study conducted in 2006, the five hundred species of dinosaurs have been classified yet documented previous existence, and the estimated number of species archives in the fossil record about one thousand eight hundred and fifty species, believed to be about 75% of them are still waiting to be discover. The earlier study predicted the existence of three thousand and four hundred species of dinosaurs, including a large group did not save in the fossil records. As of September 17, 2008 called the thousand and seventy-four species of Dinassourat.kan some of these dinosaurs herbivore and others are carnivorous, and some were stepping on the two lists, and some of the four lists, and some third Kdanassour sand Amosour and dinosaur with age iguanas Igoanodon was walking on two legs and on four feet easily. Some dinosaurs had bony armor, or cranial Ntwat Kalkaron. Although she knows the enormous size, many dinosaurs were human-sized or smaller. I found the remains of dinosaurs in all terrestrial continents, including Antarctica. Did not get discovered that dinosaurs lived in an aqueous environment, or was able to fly so far, although Altherrapodat Board may have developed the ability to fly. Recent discoveries have shown that it is difficult for scientists to develop a list of agreed University of distinctive anatomical characteristics of dinosaurs, but it is agreed that all dinosaurs certain differences in skeletons from the ancestors of Alerkousourat structures. I have a couple factions have emerged from the last of the dinosaurs advanced features made it a little bit about those previous factions in terms of bone structure is different, but these features do not make them unique factions in the rank of the dinosaurs, as they were found at the primitive factions Zert in the late Tertiary, and moved across genes through successive generations to Sliltha, scientists called the common features between the two groups Tsnavian designation "common Altoasm" (in English: Synapomorphies) and its example property between warm-blooded mammals and birds.
Physical traits and common anatomical include when most dinosaurs: long the norm on the bone Eddha or upper part of the dedicated its arms to accommodate clavicular pectoralis muscle; in addition to the board at the end of Hragaftha, any bone main basin; Znboba with the edge of the bottom petition protruding lip toward the back; and fascias on the bone ankle to install it on the tibia.
Drawing dinosaur skull long paragraphs Massospondylus where thermal windows show, one of the common anatomical features from a few groups of Alerkousourat.
Many of the dinosaurs involved in several other bony features, but it is due to the fact that these common features between groups of Alerkousourat without the other or were not common to all factions of the dinosaurs, the scientists do not consider joint Smata between distant groups. For example, had the ancestors of dinosaurs pair of thermal windows in the skull located behind the eyes, dedicated to modify her body temperature also many contemporary reptiles, as a bi-holes (with Fjutin in her skull, one located higher eye and II below), as well as have had additional gaps on the snout and jaw Erkousourat.kzlk was lower as scientists believe that other Smata are common between dinosaurs and other objects, but recent research has shown that these features appeared before dinosaurs, or did not develop when these primitive ones, and then developed at subsequent groups separately, and these features: long shoulder bone, and the deficit is composed of three or more vertebrae; and the cavity in her hips. Scientists face another difficulty in determining the anatomical characteristics own dinosaurs is that these primitive ones are similar to many other Archosaur in many ways, or he knows them a little information, to the extent that many people confuse them a long time ago.
The dinosaurs of Upright lists as most modern mammals, so they differ from the majority of other reptiles, which owns Menbtahh.oicol Scientists Seek to upright position but this is the result of possession bores horizontally in her pelvis facing forward offset by a large bump on the inner thigh bone. This situation allowed the dinosaurs to breathe easily while Trahalha, which is likely that allowed increased ability unsustainable and the degree of activity by can not other reptiles to reach, because of its bony Almtnoah.ihtml also be upright menus have helped the emergence and development of the giant dinosaurs, since it eases pressure on the ribs and become an arc which is caused by excessive length and weight. Had some Alerkousourat of non dinosaurs Seek upright, but they differed from the lists of dinosaurs on the one hand it was perpendicular to the foot and parallel with each other, because of the detailed composition and hip, where the crest was a form of tablets of a prominent, rather than have the fringe of the femur riding on hip socket, as real dinosaurs Scientists long believed that the multi-ethnic Dinosaurs, where he was including many non-associated groups, which were similar to other sometimes being experienced similar environmental conditions paid to evolve in a similar pattern, but the recent discoveries have shown that all types and species of dinosaurs together form one group is branched.
Split dinosaurs for ancestors of Alerkousourat about 230 million years ago, which since the mid to late Tertiary, and thus they have emerged after 20 million years of the incident extinction Permian-trio, which wiped out nearly 95% of the forms of life on Earth , radiological studies have supported to determine the age of rocks that whale fossils own sex Dinosaur Eocene Eoraptor layers, one of the most species of dinosaurs primitive, supported the aforementioned theory ancient biologists say that Aloaoraptor resembles the common ancestor for all dinosaurs; and that proved the validity of this theory, this benefit that the primitive dinosaurs were small-sized predators with two lists. Some discoveries showed avian dinosaurs neck in triple layers era Argentina that these animals were indeed small predators with two lists, which supports the above theory. The terrestrial habitats inhabited for many types of first Alerkousourat and reptiles similar to mammals during the time when dinosaurs appeared, and these objects: lizards punitive orAloatousourat (Latin: Aetosauria), and Canidae teeth (Latin: Cynodontia). Most of these animals have become extinct during the Tertiary in Haddthe extinction of large, it is known that during the second and third sections of the first round of the era trio, since about 215 million years old, extinct many of these primitive objects, and then there is another extinction incident about 200 million years ago is the incident extinction triple-Jurassic age, which ceased to exist and the rest of the Alerkousourat primitive, land and empty for Hbhet crocodiles, dinosaurs, mammals, reptiles and winged Asalhviac.
Hicklin skeletons of two different platoons of primitive dinosaurs: Dinosaur Herrera Herrerasaurus (the Great), Dinosaur Eocene Eoraptor (small), in addition to the skull of a dinosaur flounder Blatyousour.
I took dinosaurs vary branching different factions and many forms and sizes during the latter stages of the triple era, through its control over the natural habitats of Farragut Qatntha, and he played for the same environmental role played by the former animals have. The scientists believe that dinosaurs have contributed to accelerate the extinction of other wild animals that I have Witnessed through triangular era because the latter has not overwhelmed the rival, Vtnaqst numbers as a result of this, and replaced dinosaurs instead, but this theory now looks less realistic for different reasons: shone fossils do not rapid and prosperous considerable growth appears in the numbers and species of dinosaurs during that period as scientists predicted; it appears that it was still rare in the beginning of the first round of the late triple era where the increase ranged between 1% and 2% of the total animals that existed at the time, but in the the second round of the end of that era, fossils indicate that their numbers have risen and its factions have increased, where the percentage ranged between 50% and 90% of the total animals. As well as the scientists were saying that the situation upright primitive dinosaur was a catalyst to make it superior to most other organisms quad menus, but it is now known that this feature was present when a lot of animals that lived with the early era of the dinosaurs, was not a characteristic of one group objects. Finally, the fossils show an explosion of life forms happened in the late Tertiary and led to the emergence of some groups of animals, such as a group, "sclerosing ankles" (Latin: Crurotarsi) that was left of arranged and ranks today but crocodilians, which were more diverse than much of the dinosaurs, according to Thus, the apparent variety and large groups that will dominate at least the number and variety of groups, so the rise and rise of the dinosaurs to become the dominant beings on earth was due to "luck" more than superiority, as scientists from the supporters of this trend stating that Dinassourhewan extinct
According based on some information is studied statistical analyzes, that the increased diversity of dinosaurs during the Late Cretaceous, where new species appeared branched into factions and many kinds. However, in 2008, some scientists have said that this is not accurate, and that what was said about the diversity of dinosaurs in that period is the result of a scientific error, and reported that dinosaurs only two new sets did not show where in the late Cretaceous two Bttiyat beak or Alhadrousourat, and animate Ages or lizards peers. Scientists report that what curb the emergence of new groups of dinosaurs is the evolution of plants, in the mid-Cretaceous, flowering plants become covered with seeds an important part of the global ecosystem, and spread on the surface of the globe replacing gymnosperms such as conifers, and shows stools dinosaur fossil that these objects continued to feed the naked seed plants are more than covered the seeds, with a lot of plant insects and mammals turned to subsisting on a new food source, and at the same time got an explosion in the types of lizards, snakes and crocodilians and birds, I took the new factions, including show and prosper and replace the dinosaurs slowly. Some scientists say that the failure of the dinosaurs in the diversity and upgrading at a time when the ecosystem was changing around her, she was sentenced to extinction after a few million years. Classified as dinosaurs, including birds, as Archosaur Like reptiles. Featuring Alerkousourat skulls "gantry", ie, it has gaps or "windows" thermal gantry or arc in the site that relate to the facial muscles of the skull, in addition to the other window is located in the face of the eyes, and these attributes are shared between dinosaurs and most modern reptiles and birds. Share dinosaurs in many other anatomical features with other Alerkousourat, perhaps the most prominent is the teeth that grow from Oghamd Awad to be a direct extension of the jaw bone, and in return they are different from other Alerkousourat prominently in terms of walks, lists of dinosaurs extends straight down her body, while that the lists of lizards and crocodilians splayed, look to the viewer as if emerges from its side.
Classifies a number of scientists dinosaurs as a class or Clade last indefinitely after. Dinosaurs are divided into two most senior grades: lizard pelvis and avian pelvis, according to the structure of the basin. Includes rank lizard pelvis Alosnovt those that share ancestors with a contemporary birds instead of avian basin, the latter comprising all Alosnovt that share ancestors with a triple centuries Triceratops Dinosaur Awad lizard pelvis. Preserved dinosaur lizard pelvis on the structure of hip ancestors, where the pubic bone remained facing forward, despite the fact that some factions species belonging to this rank has developed some of its own features later, such as dinosaurs Alheiraria (Latin: Herrerasauridae)] and dinosaurs Blida (Latin: Therizinosauroidea )] fast and dinosaurs (Latin: Dromaeosauroidea) and birds, where it became narrower or wider suffered varying degrees. Includes rank Shaliat pelvic dinosaurs Altherobodah long neck and Hbhet (Latin: Sauropodomorpha)
Linked to the evolution of dinosaurs after the end of the Tertiary evolution of plants and Saturn continents, Late that afternoon, and at the beginning of the Jurassic period, all the continents of the world connected to each other and form a super continent known as a continent "Pangea", and the population of the dinosaurs made up mostly of carnivores ringed and Taiwilat initial necked herbivorous , also dominated on the ground of the forest naked seeds of trees, especially conifers, which formed a prominent food for herbivores. Missed the initial Taiwilat neck to the necessary complex mechanisms in the mouth to treat conifers needle leaves, so they fully swallow, and could potentially possessed some of the other properties in the digestive channel for retail food and broken down to the necessary nutrients for survival. Dinosaurs homogeneous and identical continued throughout the mid to late Jurassic, where the predators of Alseeratusouriat and Alspinusouriat Rnusouriat and spread in different regions, as well as a huge herbivores Actress-covered dinosaurs or Alstigusouriat and Taiwilat neck or Alsourobodiat. It places this homogeneity appear in the types and races Danassouradtha While far from each other now: Configure Morrison in Colorado in the United States, and the formation of Tndazhuro in Tanzania. China alone dinosaurs from that era show a difference from the rest of dinosaurs that I have Witnessed, where he was including carnivores Therobodah specializes in only certain types of prey, and Taiwilat neck does not like typical dinosaur Mamnchi Mamnchisour. I took dinosaurs molten, or Alonkalusouriat, become more common during the late afternoon Ajawarsa, as well as the case of avian dinosaurs hip, and by that time it was Taiwilat initial neck may become extinct, and ferns and conifers become more prevalent plants. The Taiwilat neck is able to handle the food in her mouth, as was the case with its predecessors, but the dinosaurs avian hip had developed the ability to food chopping and chew in her mouth before he swallowed, and by the emergence of mobile AFCAC her, but perhaps the highlight of evolutionary occurred during the era Jurassic is the emergence of real birds, which evolved from carnivores ring.
I took dinosaurs branching more diverse forms during the early Cretaceous period because of the disintegration of the continent of Pangea and isolation of populations more than that. Dinosaurs were fused together with toothed Alaguanah and dinosaurs gibbet or Albrkiusouriat, is the first groups that spread through the dawn of this covenant, and distributed throughout Europe, North America, North Africa, and later Asthbldt carnivores African Ajawarsah Bluahm early Cretaceous giant, such as Alspinousour and Alkarkaradontousour, inherited new species of Taiwilat neck citizen Alsourobodat Ajawarsah, and these races: Alrebakesour and Altiatanousour, who has lived in South America as well as Africa. Appeared in Asia during this period factions and a new corps of carnivores ring, perhaps the most notable is the rapid Aldromeusouriat dinosaurs or, more commonly known as "vultures", Altrodonaat and Kwasr eggs or Alawڤirabturat also appeared, and became collectively constitute the core group carnivores. Also spread Alonkalusouriat emerged animate centuries primitive such as Tyrannosaurus parrot Cetkousour, and has become one of the most prominent Alawahb.tzar fossils that dinosaurs covered disappeared from the face of the Earth during the late first round of the Cretaceous period, or during the early latter role from him, also shows that the flowering plants had emerged and began spread on a very narrow range. Developed several species of dinosaurs different ways to address the food before swallowing during the early Cretaceous period, for example, developed the centuries Vzut estimated on the chopping plants teeth stacked in rows, and developed toothed Alaguanah ability to teeth grinding plant, and excelled in this area flap beak. Appeared in some Taiwilat neck rows of teeth during this era, too, is the most prominent example of this dinosaur Niger.
Skeleton of a dinosaur chicken Simulator Galimeims at the Natural History Museum in London, Britain. This was one of the leading groups of dinosaurs dinosaurs Alnaamih that emerged late Cretaceous.
Seized control of three major factions of the dinosaurs on different parts of the world during the late Cretaceous period, in the continent "Laurasia", consisted of North America and Asia, the dinosaurs tyrants or Altaranusouriat addition to several types of vultures negatively hands are predators Altherobodah prevailing, and lived to its side a large group of herbivores avian basin consisted Bbtih beak and pronghorn and dinosaurs molten thick head. In the southern continent or continent "Gondwana" were dinosaurs Alabalah or Alabalasourat Altherobodat is dominant, and the Altetanusouriat herbivores are more prevalent. Aldromeusouriat also lived alongside different species of toothed Alaguanah and Alonkalusouriat and Altetanusouriat in different places of Oroba.kant flowering plants may become widespread by this period of time, and took a primitive appear herbs at the end of the Cretaceous period, and as a result of this diversity in vegetation, flourished flap beak and pronghorn and emerged with different types throughout North America and Asia, and of course new types of carnivores Altherobodah appeared to seize this diversity of prey, and alongside dinosaurs continent unique emerged of its kind, such as dinosaurs Blida and dinosaurs Alnaamih also known as the "dinosaurs simulated birds" (Latin: Ornithomimosauria).
Dinosaurs disappeared from the face of the earth after the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event occurred, about 65 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous period, was not spared any kind or taxon only birds. Also survived some other reptiles with skulls portal, such as crocodilians, lizards, snakes, lizards, reptile-like, and sieve
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